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Unearthing the Raw Emotion of Stone Temple Pilots' 'Creep': A Timeless Alt-Rock Classic

Stone Temple Pilots Creep

Stone Temple Pilots' Creep is a grunge rock classic, featuring Scott Weiland's haunting vocals and powerful guitar riffs that will give you chills.

Let's talk about Stone Temple Pilots' hit song Creep, shall we? Oh, don't give me that look. I know what you're thinking. Oh great, another article about a '90s grunge band. How original. But hold on there, my friend. This isn't just any ol' article about any ol' grunge band. This is an article about the one and only Creep and why it's still relevant today. So sit back, relax, and let me take you on a journey through the ups and downs of this iconic tune.

First of all, let's address the elephant in the room. Yes, Creep is the song that everyone knows by Stone Temple Pilots. And yes, it's the song that people who don't even know who Stone Temple Pilots are can sing along to. But here's the thing: just because something is popular doesn't mean it's not good. In fact, I would argue that Creep is not only good, but it's also great.

For starters, let's talk about that opening riff. You know the one. It's simple, yet effective. It's catchy, yet not annoying. It sets the tone for the entire song and immediately draws you in. And then there's Scott Weiland's voice. Oh man, that voice. It's like velvet and sandpaper had a love child and that love child grew up to front a grunge band. It's gritty, yet melodic. It's powerful, yet vulnerable. It's...well, it's Scott Weiland.

But let's not forget about the lyrics. Creep is a song about feeling like an outsider, like you don't belong. And let's be real, who hasn't felt like that at some point in their lives? Whether you were the weird kid in school or the black sheep in your family, we've all had moments where we felt like we just didn't fit in. And that's why Creep resonates with so many people. It's a song that speaks to the outcasts and the misfits and lets them know that they're not alone.

Now, you might be thinking, Okay, I get it. 'Creep' is a good song. But why are we still talking about it almost 30 years later? Well, my dear reader, that's because Creep is timeless. It's a song that transcends genres and generations. It's been covered by everyone from Macy Gray to Kelly Clarkson to Glee (yes, Glee). It's been used in movies, TV shows, and commercials. It's become a part of pop culture. And yet, it still feels fresh and relevant every time you hear it.

But perhaps the most impressive thing about Creep is how it's evolved over the years. Stone Temple Pilots themselves have played around with the song, reimagining it in different ways. They've done acoustic versions, stripped-down versions, and even a big band version. And each time, they manage to breathe new life into the song without losing what made it great in the first place.

So there you have it, folks. Creep may be a song that's been around for almost three decades, but it's still as powerful and important today as it was back in 1992. It's a song that speaks to the outcasts and the weirdos and lets them know that they're not alone. It's a song that's stood the test of time and continues to evolve. It's a song that's just...well, it's just a damn good song.


Let's talk about Stone Temple Pilots and their song Creep. Now, I know what you're thinking: Oh great, another article about a 90s grunge band. But hear me out, because this article is going to be different. How, you ask? Well, for starters, I'm going to use a humorous voice and tone. So buckle up, folks, because we're about to dive into the wonderful world of STP.

The Band

Before we get into Creep, let's talk a bit about the band behind the song. Stone Temple Pilots formed in San Diego in 1989 and consisted of Scott Weiland (vocals), Dean DeLeo (guitar), Robert DeLeo (bass), and Eric Kretz (drums). They were often compared to other grunge bands of the time, such as Nirvana and Pearl Jam, but they had a sound all their own.

Their Name

First off, can we talk about their name? Stone Temple Pilots. What does that even mean? It sounds like the name of a cult or something. But apparently, it was just a combination of words that sounded cool to them. Hey, whatever works, right?

Their Sound

As I mentioned earlier, STP had a unique sound that set them apart from other grunge bands. They incorporated elements of classic rock, psychedelic rock, and even pop into their music. Their songs were often catchy and radio-friendly, but still had that edge that made them fit in with the grunge scene.


Now, let's get to the meat of this article: Creep. This song was released in 1993 as the lead single from STP's debut album, Core. It quickly became a hit and helped launch the band to stardom.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of Creep are pretty straightforward. The chorus goes: Take time with a wounded hand / 'Cause it likes to heal, I like to steal / And I'm feeling like a criminal. It's a song about feeling like an outsider and not fitting in with society. We've all been there, right?

The Music Video

The music video for Creep is... interesting, to say the least. It features the band performing in a desert while a man in a suit walks around with a briefcase. At one point, the man opens the briefcase to reveal a bunch of snakes inside. I'm not sure what the symbolism is there, but it definitely adds to the creepiness factor.


Creep has gone on to become one of STP's most iconic songs. It's still played on rock radio stations today and has been covered by numerous artists over the years. It's also been featured in movies and TV shows, including Scream 2 and The Sopranos.

Weiland's Death

Unfortunately, the success of Creep was not enough to save Scott Weiland from his demons. The singer struggled with drug addiction throughout his career and passed away in 2015 at the age of 48. It's a tragic end to a talented musician, but his legacy lives on through his music.

STP Today

Stone Temple Pilots have gone through a few lineup changes over the years, but they're still making music and touring today. They released their eighth studio album, Perdida, in 2020, which features a more acoustic sound than their previous work. It's great to see them still going strong after all these years.


So there you have it, folks. A humorous take on Stone Temple Pilots and their song Creep. I hope I've given you a new appreciation for this iconic band and their music. And if you haven't listened to Core in a while, do yourself a favor and give it a spin. You won't regret it.

The Ultimate 90s Anthem

If you haven't heard Stone Temple Pilots' Creep, what rock have you been living under? It’s the ultimate 90s anthem that makes you want to shake your head so hard, you might snap your own neck! This song will take you back to a time when MTV actually played music videos, and everyone was wearing flannel shirts like they were going out of style.

Scott Weiland’s Voice is Soaring

Scott Weiland’s voice is like a bird that finally broke free from its rusty cage. That stratospheric falsetto will not only melt your eardrums, but it might just make you cry tears of happiness too. You'll wonder how he managed to hit those high notes without cracking any glass in the recording studio.

The Guitars Are On Fire

The guitars in Creep are like firecrackers exploding in your ears. They're scorching hot and will leave you in utter amazement. You'll wonder how any human is capable of playing such virtuosity on the guitar. The riffs are like a rollercoaster ride that will leave you breathless by the end.

The Lyrics Are Deep

Do you think you can relate to lyrics like But I'm not gonna crack / I miss you, I'm not gonna crack or I'm half the man I used to be? Well, buckle up buttercup because Creep's lyrics will take you on an emotional rollercoaster right from the start. It's like Scott Weiland is singing directly to your soul, and you can't help but feel every word.

The Song is Iconic

Creep is not just a song, it's an icon of 90s culture. It represents an era where the music was raw, and the emotions were unbridled. It’s the perfect soundtrack to a time when there were no cares in the world, except for figuring out which Nirvana tee to wear. If you weren't alive during the 90s, listening to Creep will make you feel like you missed out on something special.

The Video is Surreal

The music video for Creep is so surreal, you'll think you're watching an episode of Twin Peaks. It’s trippy and whimsical but still manages to capture the essence of the song. Plus, with Weiland's eccentric dance moves, you can't help but laugh. It's like a fever dream that you never want to wake up from.

The Energy is Electric

When you hear Creep, it’s like someone just plugged you into an electric socket. You'll feel the energy rip through your body, and you won't be able to help bouncing around like a rabbit on speed. It's the kind of song that will get you pumped up for anything, whether it's a workout or a night out on the town.

The Drum Beat is Funky

Eric Kretz's drum beat in Creep is funky and infectious. It's like he's having a conversation with your feet, and they can't help but join in on the groove. Before you know it, your whole body will be swaying to the beat. It's the kind of drum beat that will make you want to learn how to play drums just so you can jam along.

It’s Good for Singing in the Shower

Need a song to sing in the shower? Look no further than Creep! It's practically made for belting out at the top of your lungs while you shampoo your hair. The acoustics of the bathroom will only make your voice sound better, and you'll feel like a rockstar in your own personal concert.

It’s Timeless

Creep is one of those rare songs that never gets old. It’s still being played on the radio today, and we’re not surprised. It’s timeless, and we’re sure even our future robot overlords will be jamming to it. Whether you're a 90s kid or a millennial, Creep will always have a special place in your heart and on your playlist.

The Tale of Stone Temple Pilots' Creep

The Band's Point of View

Stone Temple Pilots (STP) had just released their debut album, Core, back in 1992. The album was a huge success, but one song stood out from the rest - Creep.

The band members were ecstatic about the song, and they knew it was going to be a hit. Scott Weiland's vocals were on point, and the guitar riffs were catchy as hell. They couldn't wait for the world to hear it.

But as they started playing it live, they noticed something strange was happening. The audience would go wild during the chorus, but during the verses, they would just stare blankly at the stage.

The band was confused. They thought they had created a masterpiece, yet people were only reacting to one part of the song.

One day, they decided to ask their fans why this was happening. One fan replied, We love the song, but we have no idea what you're saying during the verses. It's like you're speaking a different language.

The band members looked at each other in shock. They had been so caught up in the music that they forgot to enunciate their words properly during the verses. They had created a hit song, but nobody could understand what they were saying.

The Fans' Point of View

The fans loved Creep from the moment they heard it. It was the perfect song to sing along to, and it had an infectious energy that made them feel alive.

But as they listened to the song more and more, they started to realize that they had no idea what the band was saying during the verses. It was like they were speaking gibberish.

Some fans tried to sing along, but they just ended up mumbling random sounds. Others gave up and just waited for the chorus to come around so they could scream I'm a creep! at the top of their lungs.

It wasn't until years later when they looked up the lyrics online that they finally understood what the band was saying. They felt a sense of relief knowing that they weren't the only ones who had no idea what was going on during the verses.

The Humorous Point of View

Let's face it, Creep is a weird song. The lyrics don't make a whole lot of sense, and the band members sound like they're drunk or high or both.

But that's what makes it so great. It's a song that you can scream at the top of your lungs without knowing a single word of the verses.

Plus, it's hilarious to watch people try to sing along to it. You can see the confusion on their faces as they try to decipher what the band is saying.

Table of Keywords

  • Stone Temple Pilots
  • Creep
  • Debut album
  • Scott Weiland
  • Guitar riffs
  • Sing along
  • Lyrical confusion

Closing Message: Stone Temple Pilots Creep

Well folks, we have come to the end of our journey through the classic tune Creep by Stone Temple Pilots. We've covered everything from the band's history to the song's meaning, and I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have.

Now, before we wrap up, let's take a moment to appreciate just how badass this song really is. From the opening riff to Scott Weiland's haunting vocals, Creep is a masterpiece of alternative rock. It's no wonder it still holds up nearly three decades later.

If you've been inspired to check out more of STP's music after reading this, I highly recommend it. They have a discography full of hits and deep cuts that are sure to satisfy any rock fan. And if you're lucky enough to catch them live, do not pass up the opportunity.

But back to Creep. As we've discussed, the song's lyrics are open to interpretation. It could be about addiction, depression, or simply feeling like an outsider. Whatever it means to you personally, there's no denying the emotional depth that Weiland brings to the table.

And let's not forget the rest of the band. Dean DeLeo's guitar work is nothing short of iconic, while Robert DeLeo (bassist) and Eric Kretz (drummer) provide the backbone that keeps the song's intensity building until the very end.

As we say goodbye to Creep, I want to leave you with one final thought. This song is a testament to the power of music. It has the ability to make us feel things we didn't think were possible, to transport us to another time and place, and to connect us with people we've never even met.

So don't be afraid to embrace the music that speaks to you. Whether it's Stone Temple Pilots or some other band entirely, let it move you and inspire you. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one creating the next great rock anthem.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through Creep. Keep on rockin', my friends.

People Also Ask About Stone Temple Pilots Creep

What is the meaning behind Stone Temple Pilots' song Creep?

Well, my dear curious friend, Creep is actually about feeling like an outsider and not fitting in. It's a relatable feeling, don't you think? Maybe even you have felt like a creep at some point in your life. But fear not, because you are not alone in this!

Is Creep the only popular song by Stone Temple Pilots?

Nope, Creep may be their most well-known hit, but Stone Temple Pilots have quite the discography. They also have other chart-topping songs such as Plush, Interstate Love Song, and Vasoline. So, if you haven't explored their music yet, you're missing out on some great tunes!

Why did Stone Temple Pilots break up?

Well, my friend, sometimes bands just grow apart and want to pursue different paths. Stone Temple Pilots had their fair share of internal conflicts and lineup changes over the years, which ultimately led to their breakup in 2013. But let's not dwell on the past, shall we? Let's enjoy the music they left us with!

Can Scott Weiland still sing Creep after all these years?

As much as we would love to hear Scott Weiland's legendary voice belt out Creep once again, unfortunately, he passed away in 2015. But don't fret, because Stone Temple Pilots have continued on with new lead singers, including Jeff Gutt, who can do justice to all of their classic hits, including Creep.

Is it weird that I still listen to Creep on repeat?

No, my friend, it's not weird at all! In fact, it's quite common to have a favorite song that you just can't get enough of. And with Creep being such an iconic '90s hit, who can blame you for wanting to jam out to it over and over again? So go ahead, turn up the volume, and let the good times roll!

  • So there you have it, folks! All your burning questions about Stone Temple Pilots and their hit song Creep have been answered.
  • Just remember, music is meant to be enjoyed and shared, so don't be afraid to rock out to some old favorites or discover new tunes.
  • And if anyone ever asks you why you're listening to Creep on repeat, just tell them you're feeling nostalgic or that it's a classic '90s jam. Or better yet, just tell them to mind their own business and let you enjoy your music in peace!