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Unleash the Magic of Disneyworld's Sword in the Stone Encounter - Experience the Enchantment Now!

Disneyworld Sword In The Stone

Experience the magic of Disneyworld's Sword in the Stone attraction! See if you have what it takes to pull the legendary sword from its stone.

Are you ready to witness a magical moment at Disneyworld? Well, then get ready to experience the Sword in the Stone! This attraction is not just an ordinary exhibit, it's an interactive experience that will leave you and your family mesmerized. So, let me take you on a journey to discover the magic of the Sword in the Stone.

First and foremost, let's talk about the history of the Sword in the Stone. The tale of King Arthur and his legendary sword has been passed down for generations. It's a story of a young boy who pulled out a sword from a stone, proving himself to be the rightful king of England. Now, Disneyworld has brought this story to life with their own version of the Sword in the Stone.

But wait, what makes this attraction so special? Well, it's not just a mere statue or a display. The Sword in the Stone is an interactive show that takes place every day in the Fantasyland section of Disneyworld. The show involves a Merlin-like character who chooses children from the audience to attempt to pull out the sword from the stone.

The best part? The sword is not just a prop, it's real! Yes, you read that right. The sword is made of metal and is firmly stuck in the stone. So, when children try to pull it out, they are met with resistance, just like in the story. It's a hilarious sight to see children struggling to pull out the sword while the crowd cheers them on.

Now, you might be wondering, what happens if someone actually pulls out the sword? Well, let me tell you, it's a moment of pure magic. When a child successfully pulls out the sword, the crowd erupts in cheers and confetti falls from the sky. The child is then crowned the King or Queen of the day and gets to take a photo with the Merlin character.

But don't worry, even if your child doesn't manage to pull out the sword, they still get a special souvenir. Everyone who participates in the show receives a Knighting Certificate signed by Merlin himself. It's a perfect keepsake to remember the magical experience.

Now, let's talk logistics. The Sword in the Stone show takes place several times a day, and it's completely free to participate. All you have to do is show up at the designated time and location and wait for the Merlin character to choose children from the audience. It's a great way to take a break from the rides and enjoy some interactive entertainment.

Overall, the Sword in the Stone is a must-see attraction at Disneyworld. It's a perfect combination of history, humor, and magic. Who knows, your child might just be the one to pull out the sword and become the King or Queen of the day!

The Sword in the Stone: A Disneyworld Classic

Disneyworld is known for its iconic attractions and rides, but one that often gets overlooked is The Sword in the Stone. Located in Fantasyland, this classic attraction has been a staple of the park since its opening in 1971. If you haven't experienced it yet, prepare to be amazed (or at least mildly amused).

The Basics

The Sword in the Stone is based on the classic tale of King Arthur and his legendary sword, Excalibur. The attraction features a replica of the famous sword stuck in a stone, just waiting for someone to pull it out and become the next king. Guests are invited to try their luck at pulling the sword out, with the help of Merlin the Magician.

The attraction is part show, part interactive experience. Merlin entertains the crowd with his witty banter, while also selecting guests to come up and attempt to pull the sword out. Don't worry, it's all in good fun - even if you don't succeed, you'll still get a laugh out of it.

The Magic of Merlin

One of the highlights of the attraction is the character of Merlin himself. Played by a live actor, Merlin is equal parts charming and mischievous. He'll crack jokes and make sarcastic comments, but he also genuinely cares about finding the true ruler of the kingdom. And if you're lucky enough to be chosen to try your hand at the sword, Merlin will offer encouragement (and maybe even a little bit of magic) to help you succeed.

Merlin's interactions with the crowd are what really make The Sword in the Stone special. He's not just a static animatronic figure, but a real person interacting with the guests. And he's not afraid to improvise - if a guest says something funny, he'll run with it. It's this level of spontaneity that keeps the attraction fresh and entertaining, even after all these years.

The Thrill of Victory (or Defeat)

Let's be real - the main draw of The Sword in the Stone is the chance to pull the sword out. It's a simple concept, but it's surprisingly thrilling. There's something about the idea of being the chosen one, the person who can wield the legendary sword, that captures the imagination.

Of course, not everyone can be the chosen one. Most guests will try and fail to pull the sword out, much to Merlin's amusement. But even if you don't succeed, the experience is still worth it. There's a sense of camaraderie among the crowd - everyone is rooting for each other to succeed. And when someone does manage to pull the sword out (which happens more often than you might think), it's a genuine moment of excitement and celebration.

The Details Make the Difference

One thing that sets The Sword in the Stone apart from other attractions is the attention to detail. From the medieval-inspired decor to the costumes worn by Merlin and his assistant, everything feels like it's been plucked straight out of a fairy tale.

Even the music adds to the atmosphere - listen closely and you'll hear snippets of classic Disney songs woven into the score. It's a subtle touch, but it adds an extra layer of magic to the experience.

A Nod to the Past

The Sword in the Stone may not be the most high-tech or thrilling attraction at Disneyworld, but it's a reminder of the park's history. It's been around since the beginning, and it's a beloved part of many people's childhood memories.

There's something comforting about revisiting a classic attraction like this. It's a reminder that not everything has to be new and shiny to be enjoyable. Sometimes, the simple pleasures are the best ones.

A Must-See for Disney Fans

If you're a fan of Disneyworld (and let's be real, who isn't?), The Sword in the Stone is a must-see attraction. It's a charming, funny, and surprisingly thrilling experience that will leave you with a smile on your face. And who knows - maybe you'll be the one to pull the sword out and become the next ruler of the kingdom.

Even if you don't, though, you'll still have a great time. The Sword in the Stone is a classic Disneyworld attraction that deserves more love and attention. So next time you're in Fantasyland, be sure to stop by and try your luck at pulling the sword out. Who knows - maybe you'll surprise yourself.

The Mystery of the Heavy Stone

Pssst, hey you. Yeah, I'm talking to you. Do you wanna know the secret of the heavy stone? Well, it's not really a secret. It's just a bunch of stuck-up knights pretending to be strong while that ol' sword is glued to the rock. Don't believe me? Just watch as they struggle and sweat, trying to pull that thing out. It's like watching a bunch of toddlers trying to lift a couch. But hey, who am I to judge? Maybe they just need to hit the gym more.

The Unlucky Visitors

Not everyone can be the chosen one, folks. Some of us have butterfingers and just end up embarrassing ourselves in front of the whole crowd. Honestly, I think it's all rigged. They just pick the burliest guy to make the rest of us look bad. But hey, at least we get a good laugh out of it. And who knows, maybe next time we'll be the ones yanking that sword out of the stone. Or maybe not. Let's just stick to taking selfies with Mickey Mouse.

The Mysterious Merlin

Merlin, oh Merlin. That wise old wizard has been around for centuries, yet he still looks better than most of us in our 20s. I swear he has some magic potion to keep himself young. Either that or he's swimming in the fountain of youth when we're not looking. But seriously, how does he do it? Can he hook me up with some anti-aging cream?

The Quest for the Sword

It's like a treasure hunt, but instead of gold doubloons, you win the chance to wield a sword that has been touched by dozens of sweaty hands. Yippee. But hey, if you're into that sort of thing, go for it. Just remember to wash your hands afterwards. And don't forget to strike a pose and show off your newfound sword-wielding skills.

The Great Debate

Some say the sword chooses the person, others say it's all about the technique. Frankly, I think it's all about the luck of the draw. If the sword is ready to come out, it'll come out. No need for fancy sword fighting skills. But hey, who am I to argue with centuries of knightly tradition? Maybe there really is some mystical force at work here. Or maybe it's just a really stubborn sword.

The Chosen Ones

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of seeing all these chiseled abs and bulging biceps. Can't the sword pick someone a little more relatable? Like a dad bod enthusiast or a grandma with a mean shuffleboard game. But alas, it seems the sword has a thing for muscle-bound warriors. Maybe we should start a petition to diversify the chosen ones. Who's with me?

The Pranksters

I admit it, I'm guilty of this one too. Nothing brings me more joy than sneaking up on my friend and pretending like I'm about to pull the sword out. The look of shock on their face is priceless. But hey, it's all in good fun, right? And it's not like we're actually damaging the sword or anything. So let's keep the pranks going and see how many people we can fool.

The Disappointed Kids

Ah, the saddest sight at Disneyworld. The wailing child who couldn't pull the sword out. Don't worry kiddo, there are plenty of other things to do here that don't require brute strength. Like eating a giant turkey leg or riding the teacups until you're dizzy. Trust me, you'll forget all about that silly sword in no time.

The Suspicious Tourists

I've seen it all folks. The sneaky parents who try to loosen the sword before their kid tries to pull it out, the overeager teenager who almost wrenches the sword out of its socket, and the guy who tries to bribe the knight with a Mickey Mouse plushie. Keep it classy, people. Let's not ruin the magic of Disneyworld with our shady tactics. Just let fate decide who gets to wield the sword.

The Eternal Dilemma

To touch or not to touch, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to just give up and go ride Space Mountain. I'm going with the latter. Sure, it would be cool to pull the sword out and be hailed as a hero, but let's face it, there are way cooler things to do at Disneyworld. Like meeting your favorite Disney princess or watching the fireworks show. So let's all just sit back, enjoy the magic, and leave the sword in the stone for the next unsuspecting victim.

The Legend of Disneyworld’s Sword in the Stone

Once Upon a Time at Disneyworld

Do you believe in magic? Well, at Disneyworld anything is possible! One of the most iconic attractions at Disneyworld is the Sword in the Stone located in Fantasyland. This attraction is based on the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

As the story goes, Merlin the Wizard placed a sword in a stone with an inscription that read, “Whosoever pulls this sword from the stone is the true-born king of all England.” Many knights tried to pull the sword out of the stone but failed. However, young Arthur, who was not a knight at the time, pulled the sword out and became King Arthur.

Disneyworld’s Sword in the Stone Attraction

The Sword in the Stone attraction at Disneyworld is a replica of the legendary sword and stone. It is an interactive attraction where guests can attempt to pull the sword out of the stone just like in the legend. The sword is firmly held in place by a magnetic lock system so only a few lucky guests have been able to pull the sword out of the stone.

The Humorous Side of the Sword in the Stone

Although the Sword in the Stone attraction is based on a serious legend, Disneyworld has added a humorous twist to the experience. The attraction is hosted by a jester named “Sir Sterling” who engages guests in a fun and silly sword-pulling ceremony.

Guests are invited to try their luck at pulling the sword out of the stone while Sir Sterling provides comedic commentary. If a guest is able to pull the sword out, they are crowned “King” or “Queen” for the day and receive a certificate to commemorate their achievement.


  • Sword in the Stone
  • Disneyworld
  • King Arthur
  • Knights of the Round Table
  • Merlin the Wizard
  • Fantasyland
  • Interactive attraction
  • Sir Sterling
  • Jester
  • Comedic commentary
  • Certificate

So, next time you visit Disneyworld, be sure to stop by the Sword in the Stone attraction and try your luck at pulling the sword out. Who knows, maybe you’ll become the next King or Queen!

Come Visit Disneyworld's Sword In The Stone

Well, folks, we've come to the end of our journey through Disneyworld's Sword in the Stone. It has been a thrilling and magical experience for all of us, and we hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as we enjoyed writing it.

If you're planning a trip to Disneyworld soon, make sure you stop by the Sword in the Stone attraction. You never know, you might be the lucky one to pull the sword out of the stone and become the next King or Queen of Disneyworld!

Now, if you're worried about not being able to pull the sword out, don't fret! There are plenty of other exciting rides and attractions at Disneyworld that will make your visit unforgettable.

You can ride the thrilling rollercoasters like the Space Mountain or the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith. If you're looking for something more family-friendly, you can check out the classic attractions like the Pirates of the Caribbean or the Haunted Mansion.

And let's not forget about the parades and shows! The Festival of Fantasy Parade is a must-see, with its colorful floats and beloved Disney characters. And if you're a fan of Broadway-style shows, make sure to catch the Beauty and the Beast show or the Lion King show.

But if you're still set on pulling the sword out of the stone, we have some tips for you. First, make sure you're well-rested and hydrated. Pulling a sword out of a stone is no easy feat, after all.

Second, channel your inner King Arthur. Believe in yourself and your strength, and don't give up until you've given it your all. And lastly, don't be too disappointed if you don't succeed. Remember, it's all in good fun and you can always come back and try again next time.

So what are you waiting for? Book your tickets to Disneyworld now and come experience the magic of the Sword in the Stone and all the other amazing attractions that await you. We promise it will be a trip you'll never forget.

And with that, we bid you adieu. Thank you for joining us on this adventure and we hope to see you again soon!

What Do People Also Ask About Disneyworld Sword In The Stone?

What is the Sword in the Stone?

The Sword in the Stone is a legendary story about King Arthur. According to the tale, whoever pulls the sword from the stone will become the rightful king of England.

Where can I find the Sword in the Stone attraction in Disneyworld?

You can find the Sword in the Stone attraction in Fantasyland at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom park. Look for the plaque and sword right outside the carousel.

Is it hard to pull the sword from the stone?

Well, it depends on your strength and willpower. Some people have reported that the sword is surprisingly heavy, while others have claimed that it simply won't budge no matter how hard they try. But don't worry, if you can't pull it out, there's always next time!

What happens if I do manage to pull the sword from the stone?

If you're lucky enough to pull the sword from the stone, you'll be treated to a special ceremony where you'll be crowned King or Queen for the day. You'll also get a special certificate to commemorate your achievement. Just make sure you don't get too carried away with your newfound power!

Is it worth trying to pull the sword from the stone?

Of course! Even if you don't manage to pull the sword out, it's a fun and memorable experience that's sure to bring a smile to your face. Plus, who knows? You might just be the one to fulfill the prophecy and become the next King or Queen of England.

Can I bring my own sword to try and replace the one in the stone?

Sorry, but bringing your own sword is not allowed. You'll have to make do with the one in the stone. But don't worry, it's a pretty impressive sword and definitely worth a try!

Is there any trick to pulling out the sword from the stone?

Well, we can't reveal all our secrets, but we will say that it helps to have a bit of courage and determination. And maybe a little bit of pixie dust wouldn't hurt either.

What happens if someone else has already pulled out the sword?

If someone has already been crowned King or Queen for the day, you'll have to wait until the next day to try your luck. But don't worry, the sword will be waiting for you, and who knows? Maybe you'll be the one to finally become the rightful ruler of England.

Can I take the sword home with me if I manage to pull it out?

Sorry, but the sword must stay in its rightful place in the stone. But you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you were able to pull it out and become King or Queen for the day.

Do I have to pay extra to try and pull the sword from the stone?

Nope! Trying to pull the sword from the stone is completely free and included with your admission to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom park.

What age group would enjoy this attraction?

This attraction is suitable for all ages, from kids to adults. Everyone can enjoy the chance to try their luck at pulling the sword from the stone and becoming King or Queen for the day.