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Unveiling the Emotionally Charged Heart of Stone Lyrics - Feel the Raw Power of Music

Heart Of Stone Lyrics

Heart Of Stone Lyrics by Rolling Stones. A classic rock ballad about a man who struggles to love due to past hurt and pain.

Have you ever heard of the song Heart of Stone by The Rolling Stones? If not, then you are missing out on one of the greatest rock and roll songs in history. With its catchy lyrics and powerful guitar riffs, this song has stood the test of time and remains a classic to this day.

At the start of the song, Mick Jagger sings, There have been so many girls that I've known, I've made so many cry and still I wonder why. This line sets the tone for the rest of the song, as Jagger sings about his struggles with relationships and his inability to commit.

As the song continues, the chorus kicks in with the iconic line, You'll never break, you'll never break, you'll never break, you'll never break this heart of stone. This line is repeated several times throughout the song, emphasizing the idea that Jagger's heart is impenetrable and unbreakable.

Throughout the rest of the song, Jagger sings about his experiences with love and the pain that comes with it. He sings about breaking hearts and being broken himself, all while maintaining his tough exterior and unyielding heart of stone.

One of the most memorable lines in the song comes towards the end, when Jagger sings, I've seen you crying, oh, oh, so many times. This line is particularly poignant because it shows that even someone with a heart of stone can be affected by the pain of others.

Overall, Heart of Stone is a classic rock and roll song that has stood the test of time. Its catchy lyrics and powerful guitar riffs make it a must-listen for any fan of rock music. So if you haven't already, give it a listen and see for yourself why it remains a classic to this day.

But wait, there's more to this song than just its catchy lyrics and powerful guitar riffs. Did you know that Heart of Stone was actually inspired by a real-life experience of Mick Jagger's?

According to Jagger, the song was written about a woman he had been involved with who he felt was emotionally unavailable. He said that he felt like he was constantly trying to break through her tough exterior and get to her heart, but ultimately realized that it was impossible.

This personal connection to the song adds an extra layer of depth and meaning to the lyrics. It's no wonder that the song has resonated with so many people over the years.

Another interesting fact about Heart of Stone is that it wasn't originally released as a single. Instead, it was included on The Rolling Stones' album Out of Our Heads in 1965.

Despite not being released as a single, Heart of Stone still managed to become a hit, reaching #19 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. It just goes to show that sometimes the best songs don't need to be released as singles to make an impact.

But what really sets Heart of Stone apart from other rock and roll songs of its time is the way it blends different musical elements together. The song features a mix of blues, rock, and even a bit of gospel, creating a unique sound that was ahead of its time.

It's no wonder that The Rolling Stones have been hailed as one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Their ability to blend different musical styles together and create something truly unique is what has set them apart from their peers.

So if you're looking for a classic rock and roll song that will get stuck in your head for days, look no further than Heart of Stone by The Rolling Stones. It's a song that has stood the test of time and will continue to be a beloved classic for generations to come.

And with that, we come to the end of our deep dive into the world of Heart of Stone. We hope that you've enjoyed learning more about this iconic song and its place in rock and roll history.

Whether you're a die-hard Rolling Stones fan or just someone who appreciates good music, there's no denying the impact that Heart of Stone has had on the world of music. So give it a listen and see for yourself why it remains a classic to this day.


Let's dive into the lyrics of Heart of Stone, a song by the Rolling Stones that has been entertaining us for decades. This song is not just about heartbreak, it has something more to offer. Let’s explore!

The Beginning

The song starts with There have been so many girls that I've known, I've made so many cry and still I wonder why. Well, we all know why - because you are heartless! But seriously, how can someone make so many girls cry and still not understand why? It's like asking why the sky is blue.


One thing is for sure, the singer is not apologetic about his actions. He continues with, Here comes a little girl, I see her walking down the street. She's all by herself, I try to knock her off her feet. Wow, just wow. He is not even trying to hide his intentions. It’s like he's proud of being a heartbreaker.

Emotional Self Defense

In the next line, he says, She'll never break, never break, never break, never break this heart of stone. It seems like the singer is protecting himself from getting hurt by women. He has built a wall around his heart that no one can penetrate. It's like he's saying, I am invincible, you can't hurt me.


As the song progresses, the singer confesses, What's different about her? I don't really know. No matter how much I try, I can't make her cry. It seems like the singer is finally realizing that he is alone, and there is no one to share his emotions with. He has been so busy breaking hearts that he forgot what it feels like to love and be loved.


In the next line, the singer says, Cause her heart is made of stone. It seems like he is trying to convince himself that he can't love anyone because they don't have a heart like his. He is desperate for someone to understand him, but at the same time, he is pushing them away.

The Chorus

The chorus goes, Well, you won't break, oh, yeah, you won't break, oh, yeah, you won't break, oh, yeah, you won't break this heart of stone. It seems like the singer is repeating this line to convince himself that he is strong and can handle anything that comes his way.


As the song progresses, the singer becomes more skeptical about love. He says, I hear the sound of footsteps, Telling me that she's near, I turn around and look, You say you found my heart. He is questioning if someone can really find his heart and love him for who he is.

The Final Verse

The final verse goes, Well, no matter what you do or say, You're gonna have to leave my way. It seems like the singer is not ready to let anyone in and is pushing them away. He doesn't want to get hurt again.

The End

The song ends with the chorus, You won't break, oh, yeah, you won't break, oh, yeah, you won't break, oh, yeah, you won't break this heart of stone. It seems like the singer is still trying to convince himself that he is strong and doesn't need anyone.


Heart of Stone is a powerful song that explores the emotions of a heartbreaker who is struggling to find love. The lyrics are honest, raw, and relatable. It’s hard not to be amused by the singer's unapologetic attitude. Even though the song is about heartbreak, the humor in the lyrics makes it enjoyable to listen to.

Heart Of Stone Lyrics: More Than Just Pebbles

When it comes to classic rock, few bands have the same legacy as the Rolling Stones. And in their vast catalogue of hits, one song that often gets overlooked is Heart of Stone. Sure, it may not have the same instant recognizability as Satisfaction or Start Me Up, but this track is a hidden gem that deserves more attention. Why? Because it's not just about rocks and rolls - it's about the rocky road of love.

The Anatomy of a Stone Heart

Let's start with the title itself. Heart of Stone may sound like a metaphor, but what if it's not? What if Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were actually singing about the physical properties of a stone heart? If that's the case, then this song takes on a whole new meaning. Maybe they're arguing that love can't exist without a beating, fleshy heart - or maybe they're making a statement about the lack of emotion in modern relationships. Either way, it's a funny thought to imagine a human heart made of granite.

The Stone-Age of Love

Of course, it's more likely that Heart of Stone is using the metaphorical definition. And in that case, the song is all about the struggles of love and relationships. But what's interesting is how it tackles these issues from a prehistoric perspective. The lyrics reference cavemen and dinosaurs, painting a picture of a time when love was simpler (but also more dangerous). It's a clever way to explore age-old problems in a new light.

Your Cold, Hard Heart

One of the key themes of Heart of Stone is the idea of emotional detachment. The narrator sings about a partner who has no feelings, whose heart is cold as ice. It's a sentiment that many of us can relate to - whether we've been the ones feeling distant or the ones on the receiving end of it. And yet, despite the pain of this disconnect, there's still a sense of longing in the lyrics. The chorus repeats the phrase you'll never break, you'll never bend, suggesting that the narrator still holds out hope for this relationship.

When Love Feels Like a Rock

Another aspect of Heart of Stone that resonates with listeners is the struggle to maintain a connection when things get tough. The lyrics describe a relationship that's been tested and tried, but still hasn't crumbled. It's a powerful image - like two boulders rolling down a mountain together, crashing into obstacles but refusing to be separated. And yet, there's also a sense of weariness in the song. The line if I tried, I could make you stay suggests that the narrator is tired of fighting for this love, but can't let go.

The Flintstones

Of course, it wouldn't be a Rolling Stones song without a touch of humor. And Heart of Stone delivers with its references to prehistoric times. The line you're giving me the dinosaur is a clever play on words, while the mention of cavemen adds a touch of whimsy to the otherwise serious subject matter. It's like watching an episode of The Flintstones, only with more guitars.

A Solid Foundation

So, what can we learn from Heart of Stone when it comes to building lasting relationships? Well, one thing is clear: it takes work. The lyrics acknowledge the challenges of love, but also suggest that if both partners are willing to put in the effort, they can create something strong and enduring. The line we've built our dreams on solid ground is a testament to the power of commitment and perseverance.

Geology Lessons

But what about the rocks themselves? Are there any hidden scientific truths in the lyrics of Heart of Stone? Well, maybe not. But it's still fun to imagine what kind of geological features the Rolling Stones might be referencing. Is the rock in question a smooth, polished pebble, or a jagged chunk of granite? Is it a metaphor for stubbornness, or a symbol of stability? Who knows - but it's fun to speculate.

Love Is A Battlefield

Ultimately, Heart of Stone is a song that explores the complexities of love, from its highs to its lows. And while it may not have the same iconic status as some of the Stones' other hits, it's still a track that resonates with listeners decades later. Whether you're dealing with emotional detachment, struggling to hold onto a relationship, or just looking for a catchy tune to sing along with, Heart of Stone has something to offer. So turn up the volume, grab your air guitar, and rock out to this classic Rolling Stones gem.

The Rock and Roll Mystique

And speaking of classic Rolling Stones tunes, what is it about this band that makes their music so timeless? Is it the raw energy of their performances? The poetic lyrics? The rebellious attitude? Whatever it is, it's clear that the Stones have left an indelible mark on the world of rock and roll. And Heart of Stone is just one example of their enduring legacy. So let's raise a glass to Mick and Keith, and to all the other rock legends who continue to inspire us to this day.

Heart of Stone Lyrics: A Story of Love and Laughter

The Song that Stole Our Hearts

It was a rainy day in the city when I first heard the Heart of Stone lyrics. I was feeling down, as if the grey skies had seeped into my soul. But then, something magical happened. The radio started playing this catchy tune that lifted my spirits and made me want to dance.

The lyrics were simple yet powerful, and they spoke to me in ways I couldn't quite explain. It was as if the singer knew exactly what I was going through and was offering me some kind of comfort through their words.

As I listened to the song, I couldn't help but smile. It was a love song, but not the sappy kind that makes you cringe. No, this was a love song with a twist. The singer was talking about how they had a heart of stone and how they didn't want to fall in love. But then, they met someone who changed everything. And suddenly, they were willing to take a chance on love.

The Point of View of Heart of Stone Lyrics

The Heart of Stone lyrics are told from the perspective of someone who has been hurt before and is afraid to love again. This is a common theme in many love songs, but what sets this one apart is the humor and wit that the singer brings to the table.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, the singer embraces their cynicism and uses it to make us laugh. They poke fun at themselves for being so guarded and admit that they're not as tough as they pretend to be. And when they finally do fall in love, it's a moment of vulnerability and honesty that we can all relate to.

Table Information

Here are some key points about the Heart of Stone lyrics:

  1. The song is a love song with a twist
  2. The singer is reluctant to fall in love because they have a heart of stone
  3. The lyrics are told from the perspective of someone who has been hurt before
  4. The song is humorous and witty, with a touch of cynicism
  5. The singer ultimately decides to take a chance on love

In conclusion, the Heart of Stone lyrics are a testament to the power of love and the importance of vulnerability. They remind us that even when we've been hurt before, there's always a chance for happiness if we're willing to open our hearts. And they do it all with a sense of humor and wit that makes us smile. So the next time you're feeling down, turn up the radio and let the Heart of Stone lyrics remind you that love is worth the risk.

Thanks for Sticking Around!

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of my Heart of Stone Lyrics blog post. I hope you had a good time reading through it and didn’t fall asleep halfway through. If you did, don’t worry – I won’t judge you. I know my writing can be quite soporific.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all my lovely readers for sticking around until the end. You guys are the real MVPs. I mean, who else would willingly subject themselves to my ramblings about lyrics that they may or may not care about?

But seriously, I appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time to read my blog. Whether you stumbled upon it by accident or you’re a regular reader, I’m grateful for your support.

If you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it with your friends and family. Or even your enemies – who knows, maybe they’ll become your friends after reading it. And if you didn’t like it, well, I’m sorry to have wasted your time. But hey, at least you can say you gave it a shot.

Before I sign off, I just want to leave you with a few parting thoughts about the Heart of Stone Lyrics:

Firstly, if you haven’t listened to the song yet, I highly recommend that you do so. It’s a classic that deserves all the love and attention it can get.

Secondly, if you’re feeling down or going through a tough time, remember that you’re not alone. We all have moments where we feel like we have a heart of stone. But just like the lyrics say, “you’ll find love again”.

Lastly, if you happen to come across Mick Jagger or Keith Richards, please tell them that I said thank you for creating such an amazing song. And also ask them if they’d like to collaborate with me on a future blog post. No big deal.

Well, that’s all from me for now. Thanks again for reading, and I hope to see you back here soon!

People Also Ask About Heart Of Stone Lyrics

What is the meaning of Heart of Stone?

The phrase heart of stone means someone who is emotionally cold and unfeeling. The song lyrics describe a person who is difficult to love because they have been hurt in the past and are afraid to let their guard down.

Who originally sang Heart of Stone?

The Rolling Stones originally recorded Heart of Stone in 1964. It was written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards.

Are there any cover versions of Heart of Stone?

Yes, there have been several cover versions of Heart of Stone recorded over the years. Some notable ones include Cher's 1989 version and the 2003 version by the Swedish band The Hives.

What is the chorus of Heart of Stone?

The chorus of Heart of Stone goes like this:

You'll never break, you'll never break
You'll never break, you'll never break
This heart of stone

Is Heart of Stone a sad song?

Well, it's certainly not a happy-go-lucky tune! The lyrics are quite melancholy and deal with themes of heartbreak and emotional detachment. However, some people might find the song cathartic or empowering.

Can I sing Heart of Stone at karaoke?

Sure, knock yourself out! Just be prepared for some people to give you funny looks when you start belting out those angsty lyrics.

What should I do if Heart of Stone is stuck in my head?

  1. Listen to another song to try and distract yourself
  2. Sing the chorus really loudly to get it out of your system
  3. Embrace your inner emo and wallow in your feelings for a bit

Hopefully, these tips will help you deal with your Heart of Stone earworm. Remember, there are worse things to have stuck in your head (we're looking at you, Baby Shark).