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Unveiling the Meaning Behind Stone Temple Pilots' Creep Lyrics: A Deep Dive

Stone Temple Pilots Creep Lyrics

Discover the haunting lyrics of Stone Temple Pilots' hit song Creep - a powerful and emotional portrayal of inner turmoil and self-doubt.

Stone Temple Pilots is a band that never ceases to amaze with their music. From the early 90s until now, they have produced hit after hit, and one of their most popular songs is Creep. This song has some of the most intriguing lyrics that have ever graced the airwaves. The lyrics are not only timeless but also thought-provoking, and they have a way of drawing you in and making you want to know more.

When you listen to Creep, you can't help but be captivated by the opening lines, which go, Forward yesterday, makes me wanna stay, what they said was real, makes me wanna steal. These words set the tone for the entire song and make you want to know what the singer is talking about. You may wonder what happened yesterday that makes him want to stay, and what was said that made him want to steal. These questions are just the beginning of the mystery that surrounds this song.

As the song goes on, the lyrics become even more interesting. For example, the line I'm half the man I used to be is a clever play on words, as it can be interpreted in different ways. It could mean that the singer feels less of a man because of something that happened to him or that he is no longer the person he used to be. Either way, it's an attention-grabbing line that adds to the intrigue of the song.

The chorus of Creep is also incredibly catchy, with its repetition of the word creep. It's hard not to sing along when you hear it, and the way the singer delivers the lines is both haunting and beautiful. You can feel the emotion in his voice as he sings about feeling like a creep and being unable to escape his own thoughts.

Another fascinating aspect of Creep is the bridge, which goes, Take time with a wounded hand 'cause it likes to heal, take time with a wounded hand 'cause I like to steal. This line is both humorous and thought-provoking, as it suggests that the singer enjoys stealing things. It's also interesting that he refers to his hand as wounded, which could mean that he has been hurt in some way or that he is damaged emotionally.

The lyrics of Creep are so powerful that they have inspired countless covers and interpretations over the years. Many artists have tried to capture the essence of the song, but none have quite succeeded in doing so. It's a testament to the talent of Stone Temple Pilots that their music continues to resonate with people even after all these years.

In conclusion, Creep is a song that will always hold a special place in the hearts of music lovers. Its lyrics are both captivating and mysterious, and they have a way of drawing you in and making you want to know more. Stone Temple Pilots did an excellent job of crafting a song that is both haunting and beautiful, and it's no wonder that it continues to be popular to this day. If you haven't listened to Creep yet, you're missing out on one of the most intriguing songs ever written.

The Intro

It's been 27 years since Stone Temple Pilots released their debut album Core and one of the standout tracks is Creep. Now, let's take a closer look at the lyrics of this grunge classic.

The First Verse

The first verse of Creep starts off with frontman Scott Weiland singing, Forward yesterday, makes me wanna stay. What they said was real, makes me wanna steal. Hmm, I'm not exactly sure what he's trying to say here, but it sounds pretty cool. Maybe he's talking about time travel or something.

The Chorus

Ah, yes, the chorus. Who can forget those iconic lines, But I'm not gonna crack. I miss you, I'm not gonna crack. I love you, I'm not gonna crack. I killed you, I'm not gonna crack. Wait, what? He killed someone? Scott, we need to talk about this.

The Second Verse

In the second verse, Weiland sings, Peek in the shadow, come into the light. You tell me I'm wrong, then you better prove you're right. Okay, now we're getting somewhere. I think he's talking about someone doubting him and he's challenging them to prove him wrong. Or maybe he's just being cryptic again.

The Bridge

The bridge of Creep is where things really start to get interesting. Weiland sings, What do you think they'll do when they find out you're not there? What do you think they'll say when they know that you're not home? Uh, Scott, are you okay? Do you need someone to talk to?

The Third Verse

The final verse of Creep is perhaps the most confusing. Weiland sings, When you're frail, do they give a damn? Finally, I understand what it means to be a man. Wait, what does being frail have to do with anything? And why did it take until now for him to understand what it means to be a man?

The Outro

The song ends with Weiland repeating the chorus, which is still just as confusing as ever. But hey, it's a catchy chorus, so who cares if it doesn't make sense?

So What Does It All Mean?

After analyzing the lyrics of Creep, I'm still not entirely sure what the song is about. It seems to be a mishmash of cryptic phrases and random thoughts. But maybe that's the beauty of it. Sometimes, music doesn't have to make sense. It just has to make us feel something.

The Legacy of Creep

Despite its confusing lyrics, Creep remains one of Stone Temple Pilots' most popular songs. It's been covered by countless bands and even appeared in movies and TV shows. And let's not forget the iconic music video featuring the band performing in front of a giant neon sign. Creep may not make sense, but it's definitely left its mark on music history.

In Conclusion

So there you have it, a closer look at the lyrics of Stone Temple Pilots' Creep. While we may never fully understand what Scott Weiland was trying to say, we can still appreciate the song for what it is: a grunge classic that will continue to be played for years to come.

Who's Creeping, Anyway?

Let's face it, the lyrics of Stone Temple Pilots' Creep are a bit ambiguous. Just who is creeping around, and what exactly are they doing? It's like a game of hide and seek, but no one knows the rules. Are we supposed to be the creep, or are we the ones being crept upon? It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma, and we're not sure we want to solve it.

The Ghost of Scott Weiland

There's no denying that STP's original singer, Scott Weiland, brought a unique energy to the band. But now that he's no longer with us, does the ghost of Weiland still haunt the lyrics of Creep? Maybe that's who's doing all the creeping. We don't want to jump to any supernatural conclusions, but it's hard not to feel a little spooked when we hear those haunting vocals.

The All-Encompassing Creepiness

Seriously, though, the word creep is tossed around so often in this song that it's hard to keep track of who's doing what. Maybe it's just an all-encompassing sense of creepiness that permeates the entire tune. We're not sure if we should be scared or impressed by the sheer amount of creepiness on display here.

The Creepiest Love Song?

Sure, Creep is often categorized as a love song, but let's be real - it's creepy as all get out. From the stalker-ish lyrics to the unsettling melody, this is not a song you want to dedicate to your crush. Unless, of course, your crush is into that kind of thing. In which case, you might want to re-evaluate your life choices.

The Dark Side of the '90s

Ah, the '90s. A time of grunge rock, flannel shirts, and...creepy lyrics? It's no secret that the decade had a darker side, and Creep is just one example of the unsettling underbelly of that era. We're not saying that everyone in the '90s was a creep, but we are saying that it was a weird time.

Where Did the Creep Come From?

Seriously, who came up with this whole creep thing, anyway? It's such a specific word choice, and yet it works so well in the song. Maybe the STP guys just really don't like people sneaking up on them. Or maybe they just wanted to write a song that would make us all feel a little uncomfortable. Mission accomplished, guys.

The Perils of Fame

One interpretation of Creep is that it's about the perils of fame - how people can become obsessed with you and invade your privacy. Maybe that's why the lyrics are so unsettling - they're shining a light on a dark reality. Or maybe they just wanted to write a really creepy song. Either way, we're feeling a little uneasy.

The Power of a Good Guitar Riff

Let's be honest - the real star of Creep is that killer guitar riff. It's the kind of riff that gets stuck in your head for days on end, even if you can't quite wrap your head around the lyrics. We could listen to that riff all day long, even if it does make us feel like we're being followed.

Covering Your Ears

If you listen to Creep with the volume turned all the way up, it can feel like the music is literally assaulting your ears. But in a good way, if that makes any sense. It's kind of like a musical rollercoaster - you're not sure if you want to scream or laugh. Either way, you're definitely feeling something.

When Creepiness Goes Mainstream

It's a little weird to think that a song with lyrics like I'm half the man I used to be could become a huge mainstream hit. But that's exactly what happened with Creep - it turned out that people loved their music with a side of creepiness. We're not sure what that says about us as a society, but we're too busy singing along to care.

The Hilarious Story Behind Stone Temple Pilots' Creep Lyrics

The Origins of Creep

Stone Temple Pilots' hit song Creep was released in 1993, and it quickly became a fan favorite. It's a moody, introspective track that explores feelings of isolation and alienation. But did you know that the lyrics to this classic grunge anthem were actually inspired by something pretty hilarious?

According to lead singer Scott Weiland, he wrote Creep after watching an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Specifically, he was inspired by an episode in which the character Data experiences emotions for the first time. Weiland saw something relatable in this storyline, and the lyrics to Creep were born.

The Humorous Twist

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, Wait, how is that funny? Well, here's where things get really interesting. As it turns out, Weiland wasn't just inspired by the concept of an android experiencing emotions. He was also inspired by a particularly awkward moment in the episode.

In the scene that caught Weiland's attention, Data tries to express his newfound emotions to his friend Geordi. He ends up saying, I feel...funny. This line struck Weiland as hilarious, and he decided to incorporate it into the lyrics of Creep.

The Resulting Lyrics

So, what do the lyrics to Creep actually say? Well, here's a breakdown:

  1. The opening lines of the song set the tone: Forward yesterday, makes me wanna stay / What they said was real, makes me wanna steal.
  2. The chorus includes the now-famous line, I'm half the man I used to be.
  3. The second verse is where things get really interesting: When I'm tired and lonely, she sees me / She reminds me that there's always good in goodbye.
  4. And finally, the bridge of the song includes Weiland's nod to Star Trek: Take time with a wounded hand, 'cause it likes to heal / Take time with a wounded hand, 'cause I like to steal.

The Legacy of Creep

Despite its somewhat silly origins, Creep has become one of Stone Temple Pilots' most beloved songs. It's been covered by numerous artists over the years, and it remains a staple of '90s rock radio to this day.

So the next time you find yourself singing along to Creep, remember that there's a hilarious backstory behind those lyrics!


  • Stone Temple Pilots
  • Creep lyrics
  • Scott Weiland
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Data
  • Emotions
  • Alienation
  • '90s rock

A Farewell to Stone Temple Pilots Creep Lyrics: A Humorous Goodbye

Well, well, well – it's time to say goodbye to our beloved Stone Temple Pilots Creep lyrics. We've explored every nook and cranny of this iconic song, from the haunting melody to the cryptic lyrics that have kept us guessing for decades. But now it's time to bid adieu to this masterpiece, at least for now. Before we part ways, let's take one last look at what makes this song so special.

Firstly, let's talk about Scott Weiland's voice. That man had pipes, am I right? He could belt out those high notes with such ease, it's almost unfair. And when he sings Forward yesterday, makes me wanna stay in Creep, you can feel the emotion in his voice. It's like he's singing directly to you, urging you to stay in the moment and not look back.

And let's not forget about the guitar riff that opens Creep. It's instantly recognizable and sets the mood for the entire song. It's simple yet effective, and it's one of those riffs that once you hear it, you can't get it out of your head for days. It's like a musical earworm, in the best way possible.

Now, let's dive into the lyrics themselves. Stone Temple Pilots were known for their enigmatic lyrics, and Creep is no exception. Lines like Take time with a wounded hand, 'cause it likes to heal and The sky was gold, it was rose are open to interpretation, which is part of the song's allure. Everyone who listens to Creep can take away something different from the lyrics, depending on their own experiences and perspective.

Speaking of the lyrics, let's talk about that chorus. But I'm not a creep, I'm just a little unwell is one of those lines that's instantly recognizable, even if you've never heard the rest of the song before. It's catchy, it's relatable, and it's just vague enough to make you wonder what the heck the song is actually about. And isn't that the mark of a great chorus?

As we say goodbye to Stone Temple Pilots Creep lyrics, let's also take a moment to appreciate the impact this song has had on popular culture. It's been covered by countless artists, featured in movies and TV shows, and even parodied on South Park. It's a song that has stood the test of time, and it will continue to be a staple of '90s nostalgia for years to come.

So, farewell to Stone Temple Pilots Creep lyrics. We'll miss you, but we know you'll always be there for us when we need you. Whether we're feeling a little unwell or just need a good dose of '90s grunge, we can always turn to Creep for comfort.

Until next time, keep on rockin'.

What People Also Ask About Stone Temple Pilots Creep Lyrics

What is the meaning behind the lyrics of Creep by Stone Temple Pilots?

The lyrics of Creep by Stone Temple Pilots are open to interpretation. Some believe that the song is about feeling like an outsider and not fitting in, while others think it's about addiction. However, one thing is for sure – it's a great song to sing along to, whether you know the meaning or not!

Is Creep by Stone Temple Pilots a cover?

No, Creep by Stone Temple Pilots is not a cover. It was written by the band's lead vocalist, Scott Weiland, and released as a single in 1993.

Why did Stone Temple Pilots name their song Creep?

There is no official explanation for why Stone Temple Pilots named their song Creep. However, some fans speculate that it could be a reference to the Radiohead song of the same name, which was released a few years later. Others think that it could be related to the song's theme of feeling like an outsider and being seen as a creep.

What is the most famous line from Creep by Stone Temple Pilots?

The most famous line from Creep by Stone Temple Pilots is probably I'm half the man I used to be. The line appears several times throughout the song and has become synonymous with the track.

Can you sing Creep by Stone Temple Pilots without sounding like a creep?

Of course! Just because the song is called Creep doesn't mean you have to sound like one when you sing it. However, if you do happen to sound a little creepy, just embrace it – after all, that's part of the song's charm!

What is Stone Temple Pilots' best song?

This is a matter of opinion, but many fans consider Interstate Love Song to be Stone Temple Pilots' best song. Other popular tracks by the band include Plush, Vasoline, and Big Empty.

  • So, what does Creep really mean? Nobody knows for sure, but that doesn't stop us from belting out the lyrics at the top of our lungs.
  • Despite its name, Creep is an original song by Stone Temple Pilots – not a cover of the Radiohead hit that came later.
  • Why did they name it Creep? Your guess is as good as ours. Maybe they just liked the way it sounded.
  • I'm half the man I used to be – the most famous line from Creep – has become a cultural touchstone in its own right.
  • If you're worried about sounding like a creep while singing Creep, don't be. Just embrace your inner weirdo and go for it!
  • Interstate Love Song is often cited as Stone Temple Pilots' best track, but there's no denying the enduring popularity of Plush, Vasoline, and Big Empty.